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MIS Coat of Arms

Dear MIS Families, 

We are excited to announce that we have a new MIS Coat of Arms! 

The MIS Community including students, parents and alumni, have been requesting the creation of a special symbol that can represent the growing Family of MIS - something unique that can proudly represent what we stand for. 

In response, our MIS founders Julia and Bernard Bentgens, commissioned heraldic artist, Tom Meek, to help create a special mark that shares the history of our becoming who we are today, as well as what the MIS Family will represent for years to come. 

The design is centered around our school motto: “Cultivating empathy, a passion for the world and the love of challenge." Those who wear this badge are part of an inspiring, international community focused on academic and individual excellence.

The use of our Coat of Arms and Shield (more details below) will be reserved for special circumstances and events such as student and alumni recognition, donor appreciation, alumni events and similar. We will continue to use our "MIS " logo for daily representation.

We hope you enjoy the addition of this special mark for our school community, as we find fun ways to fulfill all that it represents! 

Below you will also find some fun activities for your family to do together do create your own family shield!

Kindest regards, 
The MIS Team

First page of the PDF file: 1_MISCoatofArmswdescription
First page of the PDF file: 1_MISShieldwdescription

Design Your Own

We created a template that you can print and design together! 

1st quarter: Your surname initials
2nd quarter: Your favorite animal
3rd quarter: Your favorite food
4th quarter: Your favorite activity 

If you would like to dig deeper into heraldic symbolism, look here

Color It In!

This is the original sketch of our Coat of Arms, designed by heraldic artist Tom Meek. You can print it out and color it in as you'd like. A printable version can be found here. If you would like to know more about the color symbolism, you can find references here.  Enjoy!

Artist Tom Meek

After attending Canterbury College of Art, Tom studied courses in Heraldry & Calligraphy at the Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies. In 1988 he was appointed the in-house artist at the Institute in Canterbury before becoming a freelancer.

In his career to date, Tom has worked as a Herald Painter for the College of Arms in London and taken numerous heraldic commissions from private clients worldwide.  

You can find more of his work on his personal website. 

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