MIS Locations
MIS Viernheim Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary
(Serving Ages 4 Years Old to 18+)
Address: Walter-Gropius-Alles 3, 68519 Viernheim
Contact: 06204 708 7796 / contact@metroschool.de
MIS Mannheim Nursery + Kindergarten
(Serving Ages 10 Months to 6 Years Old)
Address: Turley-Straße 12, 68167 Mannheim
Contact: 0621 445 882 82 / contact-ma@metroschool.de
MIS Heidelberg Nursery + Kindergarten
(Serving Ages 10 Months to 6 Years Old)
Address: Mozartstraße 4, 69121 Heidelberg
Contact: 06221 726 7900 / contact-hd@metroschool.de
MIS Genèva Crèche + Nursery
(Serving Ages 6 Months to 5 Years Old)
Address: Rue Le-Corbusier 28, 1208 Genèva
Contact: contactGV@metroschool.ch