Germany - Weekly Lunch Menu - January 20 to January 24
Healthy and Enjoyable Meals
Our lunch caterer specializes in creating nutritious and delicious meals specifically designed for kids. Their menus consist of wholesome ingredients and a variety of dishes that are not only healthy but also appealing to the taste buds of young ones.
The caterer takes into consideration the dietary needs and preferences of children and incorporates plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in their dishes. The caterer also takes into account food allergies and sensitivities (specifics listed below).
Allergy Chart References / Allergietabelle Referenzen
Below is a breakdown of allergens:
1 Cereals containing gluten
(1.1 wheat; 1.2 spelt; 1.3 rye; 1.4 oats; 1.5 barley; 1.6 kamut; 1.7
Green spelt; 1.8 Hybrid strains)
2 Crustaceans and crustacean products
3 Eggs and egg products
4 Fish and fish products
5 Peanuts and peanut products
6 Soy and products thereof
7 Milk and milk products
8 Nuts and nuts products
9 Celery and products
10 Mustard and products
11 Sesame seeds and products
12 Sulfur dioxide and sulphites
13 Lupine and products
14 Molluscs such as mussels, calamari
A with colorant
B with flavor enhancer
C sulfurized
D containing quinine
E with preservative
F with phosphate
G with sweetener
H waxed
I with antioxidant
J blackened
K containing caffeine
L genetically modified
M fruit juice/fruit nectar
N acidifier
glf = gluten-free
lf = lactose-free
v = vegan
Hier nun die Aufschlüsselung der Allergene:
1 Glutenhaltiges Getreide
(1.1 Weizen; 1.2 Dinkel; 1.3 Roggen; 1.4 Hafer; 1.5 Gerste; 1.6 Kamut; 1.7
Grünkern; 1.8 Hybridstämme)
2 Krebstiere und Krebserzeugnisse
3 Eier und –erzeugnisse
4 Fisch und –erzeugnisse
5 Erdnüsse und –erzeugnisse
6 Soja und –erzeugnisse
7 Milch und –erzeugnisse
8 Schalenfrüchte, Nüsse
9 Sellerie und –erzeugnisse
10 Senf und –erzeugnisse
11 Sesamsamen und –erzeugnisse
12 Schwefeldioxid und Sulphite
13 Lupine und –erzeugnisse
14 Weichtiere wie Muscheln, Calamari
A mit Farbstoff
B mit Geschmacksverstärker
C geschwefelt
D chininhaltig
E mit Konservierungsstoff
F mit Phosphat
G mit Süßungsmittel
H gewachst
I mit Antioxidationsmittel
J geschwärzt
K coffeinhaltig
L genetisch verändert
M Fruchtsaft/Fruchtnektar
N Säuerungsmittel
glf = glutenfrei
lf = laktosefrei
v = vegan